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Each need has a specific neurological network in which it functions and communicates to the other parts of the body.  There are very specific tasks related to each network.  These functions can be scientifically observed, measured, and mapped using current tools and technology.  


You are a whole person.  You do not have to have to split, deny, or suppress fundamental elements of your being.  So what are those elements?

Physical Needs

Physiological sustenance includes nutritive food, clean water and air.

Protection includes clothing, shelter, and defense (skills, tools, and tactics.

Procreation is needed to sustain the species.


Physical Network Functions

Voluntary physical movement, digestion, sexual function, physical growth, development, and renewal

Intellectual Needs

Perceive, process, organize, and regulate external sensory stimuli.  Make decisions and draw conclusions based on perceptions and experience.  Learn and communicate or explain perceptions

Intellectual Network Functions

Logic, memory, causality, and verbal language, sensory processing, and information analysis

Emotional Needs

Perception and expression of internal sensory experience.

To give and receive love and approval within social circles.

Belong and contribute to groups or systems to cooperatively meet all need types.


Emotional Network Functions

Bonding, classifying/sorting, inference, non-verbal perception, social modeling, mimicry.

Emotional network also drives organization and integration in all other networks

Spiritual Needs

Find meaning and purpose in internal and external sensory experience.  Form and define self.  Have hope.  Imagine, believe, create.

Spiritual Network Functions

Form and respond to idealizations.

Planning, setting goals, inquiry, symbolic creativity, including art and written language.

Analogy, conscience, intuition, perception of beauty.

The Four Needs is a model to understand yourself and the world around you.  The theory itself comes from my own four needs.  Every theory is a product of the individual experiences and culture of the theorist who created it.  Theories come from limited human beings.


Speaking of limitations, the complexity of life experience has spanned ages.  Within historical experience are inner worlds that the individuals who have lived cannot even express in human language.  No one will ever duplicate what another person has done, thought, believed, and felt.


But there are patterns of experience that are common throughout humanity.  There are predictable systems of operation, and reaction. The Four Needs Theory describes those patterns and functions.  Understanding that then gives us huge insight into familial to global human dynamics.  So, the better, and more truthfully you understand yourself, the better you will understand the world.  Please subscribe so you can continue to learn about how to use the Four Needs to clarify your relationships, resolve personal blocks, and even have a greater influence on the world around you.





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